The wine cellar is apparently the latest 'status room' and a sure way of adding value to your home. But what do you do if you live in a modern house or don't have the space or the right conditions? Several companies now offer a bespoke service which involves drilling down under your house to form a cylindrical cellar, complete with spiral staircase to access your wines easily. This type of cellar can also provide the perfect conditions (stable year-round temperature and humidity, darkness etc.).
For more information, visit the following websites:
If you don't want the expense of creating your own cellar, but would still like to invest in wine long-term, it is much easier nowadays - and surpisingly reasonable - for private customers to use dedicated wine storage facilities in the UK, such as Vinotheque (www.vinotheque.co.uk) - see also Majestic entry below - and Octavian (www.octavianvaults.co.uk).
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